Landscape Art
My life began in Windsor, Vermont and at the age of five my family moved across the Connecticut River over the famous Cornish/Windsor Bridge, to Cornish, New Hampshire. We settled in the area where the Cornish Colony of Artists thrived in the early nineteen hundreds. One of my favorite landscape painters, Willard Metcalf, was a member of that group of artists.
Maxfield Parrish also lived and painted in that area for many years. The historic and beautifully renovated country home of the sculptor, Augustus Saint Gaudens, with many of the sculptor’s works, is also there and is visited by hundreds of art lovers every year.
After graduating from High School in Windsor, Vermont, I enlisted in the United States Navy. The G.I. Bill helped me get through college at a small University in Bemidji, Minnesota. I received a Bachelor’s Degree with a Major in Art and a Minor in English. I did graduate work in painting and pottery at Saint Cloud University and sculpture and drawing at summer workshops at the University of Minnesota.
I taught art for twenty five years and, when I retired, I set up a pottery and did that for several years. During that time I continued to paint and four years ago I stopped the pottery altogether and since then I have devoted all of my time to landscape painting. Needless to say painting is my true passion. It is both challenging and rewarding.
My wife and I now live in the beautiful countryside of North Sutton, New Hampshire among the wetlands and fiddleheads and all the other wonderful things that I mentioned in my artist’s statement.
Loren Howard
North Sutton, NH
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New England Countryside Landscapes:
Both wetland scenes below are along the Sugar River near Sunapee NH, and show how the complexities, colors and contrasts of the wetlands can combine to create a scene of interest and serenity.

A brief scene in the wetlands along highway 114 in North Sutton. The geese are showing their anxiety to my proximity as I move in to take their picture.

I saw this scene on a country road near Wilmot, New Hampshire. At first glance it didn’t appear to have painting potential. As I studied it more carefully the composition and the summer sunshine on the birches sang a pleasant song to me and, with a few changes and several hours of work, this painting emerged.

Snow scenes are a favorite of mine. This scene is somewhere on a dirt road in the countryside of Sutton, New Hampshire. The stone wall runs the distance of the foreground and the dozens of trees shooting vertically from snow to sky counter the wall and shadows. After it was done, it reminded me of Robert Frost’s Poem, “Stopping By the Woods on a Snowy Evening.”

Later in the summer this scene will look more like a swamp but in the spring the water is high. The sun shining on the water and distant trees is seen from the shaded area near the Highway which is 4A going north from Highway 11 Wilmot, New Hampshire.

This sunrise scene was in Lakewood, New York. Early one morning my wife and I were taking a walk and this spectacular scene of the sun lighting up the teasel jumped out at us. Fortunately I had my camera along and captured this field of sparkling teasel and later created the painting.
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