by Katie Salvatore
Owned by the New London Outing Club and managed by The Knight’s Hill Nature Park Committee, the Knight’s Hill Nature Park is nearly 100 acres of trails and retreat for both animals and humans.

Since the original 60 acres, donated by Lamont Moore in 1972, were combined with another 55 acres by the joint efforts of several town organizations in 1992 the reserve has been dedicated to preservation, study, and appreciation of nature.

The three-mile trail begins at the Field house, where checklists of the plants and wildlife are available to help visitors identify them as they walk; certain wildflowers and other plants are also physically marked.
The main loop is the Forest and Field Loop, which goes through hardwood and pine forests, fields, and visits a pond.

The Summer House, as benefactors Lamont and Henrietta Moore liked to refer to it, is a quiet place to rest and observe the birds flying in and out of the field below.
There is also the Glen Loop Nature Trail, the Birdwatch Trail, and the C.O.R.E. Loop Trail (a forest path). Additionally, there is a connector link to the Lyon Brook Trail.

The park is open 8 am to 6 pm year-round. During the summer a naturalist is usually stationed in the Field House and a program of free events (available online, in at the park, and in the Shopper) runs from July through mid-August.

Bird watching, star gazing, guided hikes, and even visits from exotic animals were part of last summer’s program. In the pursuit of preservation, they don’t allow dogs or bicycles in the park.
Maps of the park are available online or at the entrance kiosk.
Before hitting the trails check out our page of Hiking Safety Tips for the Lake Sunapee Region
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