Harvest Sunday at the New London Historical Society

October 8- Harvest Sunday  •  1 - 4 pm Village wide activities with hands-on harvest activities including cider-making, corn-shucking, butter-churning, crafts and “olde tyme” kids games. Admission $8.00; $6.00 for members; Children under 12 FREE.

Tick and Lyme Disease Talk at the WCA

Dr. Alan Eaton will be at the WCA Red Barn on October 12 to discuss tick biology, Lyme and other infectious diseases. He is a terrific speaker and will be dealing with a timely topic. [...]

Movie Night at the LAC: Wait Until Dark

The Library Arts Center is thrilled to present a series of films made during, or inspired by our founding decade–the 1960’s!  The series will present two films per month–one geared toward adult audiences, and one [...]