Click here to contact Laurette Carroll
Laurette Carroll studied at the School of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. She paints with a wide range of materials, including oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels, charcoal, and pencil, producing works in a broad range of styles, from naturalistic to impressionistic, as well as purely abstract.
She often works directly from her gardens and landscapes ranging from mountains to marshes and rivers, and the northern New England coast but also works from memory and imagination in her studio gallery in Warner, New Hampshire.
In recent years, following a workshop with Dennis Sheehan, she has also turned to working in a tonalist manner, producing evocative and dream-like imaginary landscapes. Laurette is a sculptor as well as painter, terra cotta being her favorite medium for figures done from models and her imagination.
She has exhibited widely and has works in many private collections, including those in New York, Boston, Chicago, Paris, Berne, and Helsinki.
Laurette is married to artist-naturalist David M. Carroll. They have three grown children, two of whom are artists as well, and the third a writer. A native of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, she has lived in Warner since 1969.
Artist’s Statement:
I am very inspired by my gardens, by wild wetlands – ponds, marshes, rivers and streams, and by landscapes of field and forest and the New Hampshire coast.
These are the sources for my paintings done in naturalistic and impressionistic styles, and they have a deep influence on my abstract paintings and collages as well. My works in collage often include my own writing, or notes and poems from favored sources (such as Rumi’s poetry).
I find working in varying styles, with a broad range of materials, from the real world and from my imagination, exciting. It provides meaningful ways for me to go forward with my art.
