Bea Jillette received a B.A. in Fine Art from Brown University and a Certificate in Commercial Art from the Rhode Island School of Design. She studied watercolor for several years with William Hollingsworth in Windsor, Vermont and attended watercolor workshops with James Scott, Zoltan Szabo, Barbara Nechis, Carleton Plummer, Tony VanHasselt, Skip Lawrence, Christopher Schinck, Don Andrews and Judi Wagner.
She is a juried member of the New Hampshire Art Association and belongs to the Chester Art Guild and the Vermont Watercolor Society. She has shown in various one-person and group-juried shows. Her work is available at the New London Gallery, New London, N.H. and the Covered Bridge Gallery, Contoocook, N.H.
Bea worked as a graphic artist for the Boston City Planning Board, Claude Miquelle Associates and the N.H. Office of State Planning. She also taught photography, mechanical drafting and graphic arts in a program for handicapped adults at the Claremont Vocational-Technical College.
Now retired, she enjoys painting flowers and the New England landscape. She tries to capture the infinite surprise of design, color and form in nature and to express this with the runs, washes, hues and accidents of watercolor.
Watercolors by Bea Jillette